Not a tutor. A
long-term skillset
– with a goal,
a plan, and an end.

Give your son the skills he needs to

“The only program that doesn’t mean playing catch-up forever”

Sari, mother of 9-year-old who finally understands Chumash

Your gut tells

you something’s


Your son always seemed bright, but while his classmates are mastering Chumash, Mishnayos, Gemara, he..

Yeah, I’m seeing some of that with my son

Unsure if your son needs help or he’ll get over it on his own?

It’s a constant, losing race to

keep up with the class.

With the material. With new skills

the other kids have mastered…

It’s a constant, losing race to keep up with the class. With the material. With new skills the other kids have mastered…

You throw tutors at him.

You spend thousands on programs that claim to help.

But they don’t really change anything. Maybe for the moment, but never long-term.

And your son gets more and more frustrated — his limited free time is being stolen.

It’s a constant, losing race to

keep up with the class.

With the material. With new skills

the other kids have mastered…

It’s a constant, losing race to keep up with the class. With the material. With new skills the other kids have mastered…

You throw tutors at him.

You spend thousands on programs that claim to help.

But they don’t really change anything. Maybe for the moment, but never long-term.

And your son gets more and more frustrated — his limited free time is being stolen.

He was always angry. He’d come home from school and pick fights, let out his frustration. Then he began acting out in class, and I couldn’t blame him. Imagine spending 8 hours doing something you can’t. Every day. For years.”

Yossi, father of a 12-year-old 5+ programs & tutors before Hani Mili

They tell you he’s just not smart. You know it’s more than that

It’s just with learning that he seems stuck. 

Meanwhile, every day your son isn’t successful hurts him more than just academically.

Damages his social standing

Lessens his willingness to try

Erodes his confidence & belief in himself

Creates more and more of a skills & knowledge gap — that doesn’t have to be there.

“I see these kids on street corners, on drugs, no connection to the system. If not for Rabbi Kerpel, that could have been my son.”

Meir*, father of a 9-year-old who went from being bottom of the class to middle

It’s not about trying harder. It’s about trying smarter.

He needs a program that will give him skills to keep up with class on his own. To daven tefillos he’s less familiar with — effortlessly. To be one step ahead, instead of one step behind.

For the past 20 years, Hani

Mili has empowered

hundreds of boys master

the skills they need to:

Fix the problem.

Not the symptom.

Our ground-breaking Phonemic & Language Enrichment Program gives boys with a learning, reading or processing difficulty a foolproof way to master core lashon hakodesh vocabulary.

How? By tapping into various learning styles & modalities to turn thousands of core words into sight words. So your son can skip the word decoding stage, and effortlessly read + understand the words on the page.

For the past 20 years, Hani

Mili has empowered

hundreds of boys master

the skills they need to:

How Hani Mili lets your son learn like a kid who never struggled

See more about how it works

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  • 100% improvement rate with boys age 6+ (even in cases where other professionals haven’t gotten results)
  • Comprehensive screening to ensure this is what your son needs to succeed
  • Referred & recommended by special ed experts, mechanchim & parents who’ve seen dramatic change.
  • Solution-based approach so your son acquires forever skills he can use every time he reads, davens, learns or translates anything in lashon hakodesh
  • Defined, measurable program with quantifiable milestones, frequent check-ins, assessments, and goals. So your child feels good about his progress, and knows there’s an end in sight.
  • Works with teachers, parents & tutors to align goals and maximize program impact for quicker results

“Lashon kodesh went from being Chinese to being a second language. In 2 weeks, I already saw a difference. By the time I left, I was learning. I even had chavrusos — was never able to keep one before. My parents didn’t need to pay rebbeim to learn with me anymore. And I have a skill that’s part of me — no matter what I learn.”

“Lashon kodesh went from being Chinese to being a second language. In 2 weeks, I already saw a difference. By the time I left, I was learning. I even had chavrusos — was never able to keep one before. My parents didn’t need to pay rebbeim to learn with me anymore. And I have a skill that’s part of me — no matter what I learn.”

Yisrael, 19-year-old bachur who’d never been able to learn chumash or gemara

Yisrael, 19-year-old bachur who’d never been able to learn chumash or gemara

  • Customized to your child’s learning style with different modalities + activities
  • Administered in the language your child feels most comfortable with — English, Yiddish or Hebrew
  • Fun, non-pressure and motivating with a focus on making the learning enjoyable so your son is excited to attend
  • Updates at every milestone so you always know where your child is holding, and can celebrate his achievements and progress

Shortcut your way to a son successfully learning

Too many parents go the long route:

Be proactive,

and smart.

Schedule your evaluation, and get an honest answer about whether this program could change the way your son does in school

I want to help my son

before it gets harder

“My son loved going, it wasn’t dry or heavy. He can now read gemara, and was able to get into a regular high school — something we thought could never happen. I wish there was a Rabbi Kerpel in every yeshiva.”

Meir*, father of a 9-year-old who went from being bottom of the class to middle